Friday, February 18, 2011

I am so excited to be blogging!! I feel like I'm finally catching up with time! I wanna give yall a overview of my family and
Let you know all about me!!

I have a 5 year old (almost 6) named Kaylee. She is the reason I am a softball mom! Kaylee is a super sweet kid but you NEVER know what's gonna come out of her mouth! She keeps me on my toes and love in my heart! She always knows when her momma needs a hug and kiss! She is a girly girl who loves having her nails done, her hair in a pouf or big bow, and has to match! She plays coach pitch softball and is in girl scouts. She loves to make elaborate crafts and pictures, she's quite the lil artist! Her newest thing is writing, she loves to spell words and write stories...were still mastering those skills lol but she does really really well!!

Hawkin is almost 4 months old. Wow, 4 months already...time really is flying by. Yet in one way its been a really long 4 months.....probably because I've been awake for most of the time lol. Hawk was diagnosed with Larngomalacia around 6 weeks old. It means he has a floppy airway. It causes him to always sound like he is really stuffy. He gets choked a lot on his food and sometimes stops breathing. We have to thicken all his formula and he's on several meds. It also causes him severe reflux and colic. He will outgrow it hopefully before he's one. We recently saw a specialist at Arkansas Children's Hospital who started him on a new med that has helped him lots! We have our good days and our bad ones but thankfully he's had a lot of good days lately. He is truely my miracle and is such a happy baby considering all he's been thru. He has his momma wrapped and he knows it!!

Josh and I have been together for 9 years! Holy crapballs! 9 years! He works at a print shop in little rock and coaches kaylees softball team. He is a workacolic! He's is such a good dad....I could not imagine raising our kids with anyone better. God made him for me! He always makes me laugh and is my very best friend...I think those two things are most important. If you want it to have to laugh and tell secrets.

I am busy! I try as hard as I can to be super mom! I love my little family more than I ever knew it was possible to love. I like to cook and bake, read, clean, go to the park, going to the movies, shop, and to go dancing! The last one I don't get to do often but its my favorite! I am pretty much your average softball mom! But now you'll be able to hear all my confessions :)