Thursday, July 28, 2011

All things must come to a end...

Daycare. We have a love hate relationship. I loved it but hated it at the same time. I've spent the last ten years of my life there. Ten years...thats a long time. I have made countless ..countless friends (and enemies) there. I was pregnant with Kaylee and Hawkin there. Kaylee practically lived there until she went to school. Hawk rolled over, sat up, and crawled there. I've heard incredible stories, from parents sex lives to them smoking weed. I can't ever remember a day that I didn't laugh when I was there. There were the bad days too...when I heard to horror stories or saw bruises...those were not fun days. But I learned early on there the parent that I wanted to be...and more importantly the kind I didn't. I know for a fact..I'll never pick my kids up drunk or high. I know for a fact I will never harm my kid in any way. I hope and pray that Im never a parent that's too busy on the phone or in my own thoughts to stop and hug and kiss my kid goodbye..or say was your day...or forget to say I love you. Daycare will always have a place in my heart. A huge part of my life has been spent there and I want to say thanks to all my friends I've met along the way...there's too any to even name and for all the parents for letting me have a little piece of your's been a absolute pleasure. All my love ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This past week I was on vacation. I didn't realize how badly I needed time away. Since I've had Hawkin I feel like I've been on a tilt-a-whirl of emotions and stress and pure exhaustion. I realized how stressed and crazy I had become when towards the end of the trip we went to whattaburger and I laughed the whole time. Josh said I havent heard you laugh like that in a long time. And he was right. It had been to long. I've let the worry, the stress, the husslewhole and bussle,life in general get to me...the better of me.
But not anymore. Im ready for a change. Im ready to be me again. Not overworked, over scheduled, exhausted me. But a got it under control, chilled out, happy me. Im not sure exactly how to make it happen but I have a few good ideas of where to start.