Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This past week I was on vacation. I didn't realize how badly I needed time away. Since I've had Hawkin I feel like I've been on a tilt-a-whirl of emotions and stress and pure exhaustion. I realized how stressed and crazy I had become when towards the end of the trip we went to whattaburger and I laughed the whole time. Josh said I havent heard you laugh like that in a long time. And he was right. It had been to long. I've let the worry, the stress, the husslewhole and bussle,life in general get to me...the better of me.
But not anymore. Im ready for a change. Im ready to be me again. Not overworked, over scheduled, exhausted me. But a got it under control, chilled out, happy me. Im not sure exactly how to make it happen but I have a few good ideas of where to start.

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