Thursday, October 27, 2011

Almost one

As I sit here, finishing gift tags for Hawkins party favors, I can't believe he's almost one. It went by so fast. I feel like I've wished it away in so many ways. Last year at this time I had no idea of the struggles he would have to face. The struggles I would have to face. Laryngomalacia wasn't even a word to me. I had no clue what it meant or there was even such a thing. Oh how times have changed. It has spun my world around..flipped me over...and back around. But this sweet beautiful amazing baby INCREDIBLE. Absolutely amazing. He is my hero. He reminds me every day to be grateful for every single breath, because he taught me that they are blessings. But a year ago, I had no idea I could love someone as much as I love Kaylee.but I do.. I didn't know I would serch high and low to do anything I could to fix him. A year ago I couldn't imagine what it was going to be like with another baby. Now I can't remember my life without him. He hasmade me complete. I am now whole. My cup runneth over. He's grown into such a big boy. It doesn't seem that long ago, the kid that loves poptarts and veggie puffs, couldn't even hold down a ounce of formula. The kid that couldn't cry too hard or lay flat because he would stop breathing, now rolls on the floor while laughing as hard as he can. The kid who rarely got out of his Moby wrap or off his mommas chest, now rarely wants to be cuddled. He is hilarious and smart and mischievous. I could not love that kid anymore if I tried. I can't believe he's going to be a year old. In so many ways it seems like yesterday and its flown by. But we have been thru so much. He has overcame so many challenges and struggles, it often times seems likdoo much longer than just a year. He has overcome the odds its amazing. From his umbilical cord being tied in a knot, coming almost a month early, a floppy larynx and a overbearing, overly worried, helicopter mommy, he's my miracle, floppy larynx and all. I am so blessed that God picked me to be his mom. <3

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