Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Bio for Hawkin for the LM page ;)

Meet Hawkin Ellis. He surprised his mommy and daddy by coming almost a month early! He was dx with reflux hours after he was born and had changed formulas twice before even leaving the hospital. Once we were home, it was obvious something was very wrong with our perfect tiny baby boy. After several, and when I say several, I mean almost everyday we went to the doctors office where I insisted there was something wrong. We heard it was his nose was too small because he was early, allergies, and that I worried too much. Finally at his 6 week! Checkup our pediatrician muttered under her breath..larynogomalcia. When I questioned her ab it, she said she would have to research it and make a few calls and would call me back that evening. So I drove home..crying my eyes out and absolutely terrified. As soon as I got home I googled...and googled. Finally found CWL. A absolute God sent. Our pediatrician did call us back that evening and we had our 1st appt with a doctor at Arkansas Children Hospital. 3 days later we saw him. Hawkin has a scope and we were officially dx w moderate LM. He set up a swallow study and told is to wait. Hopefully he would out grow it. Such a unfair prescription...just wait..and pray. He had severe reflux and had tubes in his ears when he was barely 4 months old. He would aspirate his food and had to have thickner in every feeding. He is now 15 months old. And amazing. We are still fighting the food battle. He is allergic to milk and soy. So we are working on that. But he is perfect. He is a fighter. He is his mamas hero.

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