Sunday, October 28, 2012

Exactly two years ago

Exactly two years ago...I was being prepped for surgery. Exactly two years ago I was terrified and excited and overwelmed. I was nervous and anxious and praying harder than I have ever prayed that everything would be alright. And it was more than alright. On October 29th, 2010 at 12:06 a.m. God blessed me with a absolutely perfect tiny 5 lb 11 oz baby boy. I will never forget, i was in recovery waking from the anesthesia and i heard him crying. Well. Actually not crying...more like losing his mind screaming. They had tried everything and couldn't get him to stop. Josh brought him over to me and layed him on my chest and Hawkin looked in my eyes and automatically stopped at the sound of my voice. Overwhelming love....that doesn't even begin to cover it. The past two years..there just arent even words. My heart is now whole with that boy. Two years ago I prayed for everything to be alright. And I got more than alright. I got 4 week early, floppy larynx, cranky, short tempered, perfect, incredible, beautiful baby boy that I just could not love any more if I tried. Two years ago. My heart was made complete.

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