Monday, October 15, 2012

2nd b'day thoughts...

There are some things in life that are unexplainable. Unexpected. Undeniable. The day you have a baby..the love you feel is all the above. It is the most insane crazy love. Love that I can't even begin to explain. My kids are the only ones that have ever felt my heart beat. And i feel they are my heart walking outside my body. It's crazy that God has given us such a gift. To make children. Its breath taking and amazing. I can't even begin to believe that Hawkin is fixing to turn two. That boy has his mama wrapped around his little chubby fingers. No doubt. I won't even try to defend it. :) Kaylee has always been super independent. Always wanted to do it her way and all by herself. Hawkin is not so much that way. He stays close by my side all day and likes to be reassured that I will be there all day. He is so funny and his personality is so so crazy. He knows how to talk but rarely choses to do so. He loves to dance and hop and jump. Trains are his very very favorite! Most of the time he'll request to watch the "choo-choo trains" on t.v. or our phones. He loves animals and Rolo our guinea pig is his favorite. His favorite food is popcorn, fish sticks, and strawberry almond milk. He loves to read books and play with his sissy. Hawkin is such a amazing kid. There is really no other word to describe it other than he is my heart outside my body. It seem like yesterday I was wondering what he would look like and how he would be and that's been two years ago. Almost 730 days ago. He has taught me so much in those quick I can run to catch him from jumping off his sisters top bunk, how hard I can laugh at the silliest things he does, how many doctors I'll be mean to so i'll get results, how hard I'll pray for strength just to get thru, how MUCH I can love two people, and how insanely grateful I am that God picked Me to be his mama. He is my miracle and I love him more than I can ever describe. Happy 2nd birthday buddy! Mommy <3's you to the moon and back.

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